Bought the first two while in Hong Kong, then when I got back to Melbourne, I found they had #unicorno series 7, so I had to get one.
Unlike the first two attempts, this time I got exactly the one I wanted.

Lolita unicorn ftw!

Fellow Shortcuts users, I’m trying to create a workflow that would create a new Ulysses sheet (based on a template), but whenever I include a #, it would get created in Ulysses as //#, which means I can’t seem to create sheets with headings using Shortcuts.

Coming to Hong Kong instead of going to Japan was supposed to reduce my pen spending this year.
Oops… (this does not include the paper goods I got…)
#fountainpen #fountainpens #fountainpengeeks #fountainpenaddict #fountainpenlover #fountainpennetwork #sailorfountainpen #franklinchristoph #franklinchristoph03 #sailorfountainpenink #iroshizuku #jherbin #jherbin1798 #sailorprogear