Quoted Dim Sum Thinking (dimsumthinking.com)

“We’re all the protagonists in our own narratives,” Bridget Kromhout (@bridgetkromhout) agreed.

Consider that everyone in your audience is the hero of their own stories and when you take the stage to speak at a conference …you need to realize that you “have a walk-on part in their[ story].”

Think about that as you try to move your audience or move them to action. You happen to be the character they are encountering in the current scene.

Bridget reminds us that, “Any actions they take, after listening to me, will be what move[s] their story forward.”

You must contribute to their story or you[‘re] a scene that can be cut in post.

I don’t think this just applies for conference speaking…

Bookmarked From ‘But…’ to ‘Yes, And…’ by James Shelley (jamesshelley.com)
One of the tidbits I appreciated from Andre Vashist’s presentation at the System Thinking Exchange this morning was this little takeaway: Try replacing the word ‘but…’ with ‘yes, and…’ ‘That’s a great idea, but…’ positions the remaining words to stand in opposition to the idea....