- IndieWeb
- removing the u-photo leak so Bridgy can cross-post images to Twitter properly
- automating u-photo class for actual images in a post
- fix the missing avatar in my sent webmentions
- Explore automation with Keyboard Maestro (on Mac) and Workflow (on iOS)
- Try to use OmniFocus properly again
- Re-think how I use Ulysses
- use it to keep notes on OmniFocus projects (cross-referencing using x-callback-url)
- this would also include links to emails (Spark mail links)
- Attempt a version of David Sparks’ Hyper-scheduling
- Work through Michael Sull’s “The Art of Cursive Penmanship”
- Try to actually cook at home by using Hello Fresh
This page is inspired by Daren Sivers and the /now movement.