Fellow journalers/planners, do you use digital or analogue tools? If you use both, how and when do you use which?
I’m trying to justify when to use my fountain pens and when to use Day One.

14 thoughts on “

  1. @vishae I only use analogue. For the journal I tend to use one of the many fountain pens I have inked up. I initially draft all my writing longhand, often with a pencil. For on the go notes, in my pocket notebook, I will use a ballpoint or gel pen.

  2. @vishae I tend to be digital only – a photo here and there, a thought/idea/story I want to remember. Day One has started to become cumbersome but I’m learning new ways of inputting things into it…

  3. @vishae I ended up digital-only using Day One, with which I have a love-hate relationship. With my family lifestyle my iPad is basically always at my side which is a plus and it is easy to look back at previous entries which, for me, has turned out to be the motivation I needed to journal daily.

    I love notebooks and pens more but the digital results are what worked for me.

  4. @toddgrotenhuis I have tried that, but I keep forgetting to take photos of my journal and I’d have a backlog.
    It was easier when I was using something like the Hobonichi and I was “forced” to write (only) a page a day. I’d have a backlog but I could snap all the pages in one session, then run a Shortcuts script that would create Day One entries and backdate them automatically.

  5. @ronguest it’s interesting because I find I journal more using analogue because I love the tactile feel of the pen on paper and the look of pages filled with handwriting.
    But, as you said, Day One had search, it’s with me everywhere (on my phone), and it’s easy to stick in photos, URLs, and videos.

  6. @vishae I do journaling only in analogue form. Planning though is digital only – I want things I need to do in front of me, handy. So it stays on my mobile. I journal first thing in the morning and the plan the day. Follow throughout the day then.

  7. @vishae I’m in the split camp, too. Journal is pen/paper and calendar is mostly digital. I’ve done the paper planner, but especially now with a day job that comes with Zoom meetings galore, it just works better to keep it all digital. I do draft by hand, along with some mindmapping, braindumping, etc. long form gets the fountain pen treatment, while quick notes and jottings will generally be whatever is in my pen cup at the moment.

  8. @vishae My handwriting looks much the same whatever I’m using. Not sure I’d say I write differently only that I hold a ballpoint more upright than I do a fountain pen. Is that what you meant?

  9. @vishae I currently only use digital diaries. Several for various topics. I simply started with it and continued it this way. However, I often think about whether I could also do something handwritten. I think it is up to you what you feel more comfortable with.

  10. @vishae I have an older phone on iOS 13 – iPhone 7 Plus, so the app takes a while to load. I think it’s the encryption, or the size of the journal or something. It’s not like drafts (which also has slowed down for me), just open and start writing. Basically, the app’s interface gets in the way of just on-the-spot journaling. So I keep finding new ways to write in –

    When I’m on telegram, I can send a message to the IFTTT bot and that’ll get sent to D1. When I’m on iOS in general and want to write a 1 line update, I open Siri (in text-mode instead of voice, that’s in the accessibility options) and write the word “journal” and it asks me for my input and sends that to D1.

    I also send it emails, specially in that I bcc certain important emails to my D1 email and their service adds that to my journal.

    My wp blog posts from my site also get sent to D1 using IFTTT.

    I also have a Mac, so their Mac toolbar thingy works really well for me for most of the day…

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