A couple of days ago I received my limited edition #QK75 Nice Dream #keyboard.
I wasn’t a fan of the yellow in the Nice Dream #keycap, so I swapped to the #EPBT Dreamscape #keycaps instead; so pretty.

What I really love about this keyboard is the glossy pink chamfers (last picture). Those edges are just chef’s kiss

If you have extra #franklinchristoph cases lying around they work great as #dice cases. They just fit one set of 7 polyhedral dice with a little bit of wiggle room. The felt lining doesn’t hurt.

#fountainpengeek #ttrpg #dnd #pathfinder

Am I mad or did there used to be a “sort by” button on the #AppleWatch #Audible app?
My 300+ books are currently not sorted in any order I recognise and trying to find something is ridiculously hard.
Contacting Audible support was – of course – an exercise in frustration. They told me to contact Apple for help. 🙄

#apple #tech #books #audoobooks